School Of Children Ministry -Equipping and empowering children workers for effective ministry

School of children ministry offers different programs to children ministers and organizations that work with children, from team building, short courses on children ministries and more.

The Program provides a 9 months certificate on Vibrant, growing, fruitful children ministry .The program prepares thoroughly the student or the children minister to serve in children ministry, para –church and any institution that serve with children .

Vision-raising effective children ministers
Mission-empower and equip children ministers to reach and disciple children of Africa through the whole council of God.


  • raising children missionaries for Africa
  • Equip children ministers for effective ministry
  • Mobilization of children worker in ministries and children program
  • Developing children curriculums for mentorship and Sunday school
  • empowering children ministers through trainings and exposure for experience on children
  • Children workers prayer net.


9 month certificate program

 This is a practical children ministers training that shapes the teacher and children ministry that is vibrant, growing and fruitful, the training takes place few days a month and practical application that is done through follow up .

Short courses and training 

We train Sunday school teachers or children organization on special lessons and topics of their choice depending on their need and the goal they want to achieve

Children ministers’ network

Africa children Ministers Fellowship is a Program that takes place every second Sunday of the month starting from 2:30 to 4pm .the program, Allows children workers or ministers to be

refreshed, share testimonies, be empowered and added more skills on handling children and more and more find time to pray for children needs in their area of work.

Objectives for the Children ministers’ network

  1. Strengthening the bond between children workers/ministers in Africa for effective ministry to children and share ideas
  2. Refreshing children ministers through different activities
  3. To share testimonies and challenges facing Children ministries.
  4. Monthly empowerment and addition of skills on handling children.
  5. Time of prayer and fellowship.

School of children ministry ministers activities.

We organize children workers activities in order to build better leaders and unity and bond among the children workers

  • Team building
  • Retreats
  • Fun day
  • Teachers fellowship
  • Teachers view post and
  • Opinion
  • Teachers fun outing (trips, breakfast,, sports
  • Conferences and seminars

Children ministry consultancy  

We offer intensive and strategic children ministry consultancy on vibrant, growing, fruitful ministry to children, teens, and youth.

Our project

Building school of children ministry

It’s our desire to establish a school where children workers and ministers can be fully equipped and find mentorship   for effective work to children .The school will be able to give children workers and minister’s opportunities to grow their calling on children and expose them to different environments and ministries.

In the school we hope to establish a retreat center where children workers and ministers can find rest and time of spiritual refreshment.

Kindly Support our Efforts